
Membership Process

Membership Process

Applying for membership in Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society is online, simplifying the process for students and the Chapter.

  • An individualized passcode will be emailed to you in order to complete the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society Membership Acceptance online. Your passcode is typically valid only for the semester in which the invitation was issued.
  • A welcome letter will be emailed to you once your membership fee has been paid. 

Online Application and Fee Payment to PTK Headquarters

Students apply online at . Students applying online can securely fill out their application forms and pay a one-time membership fee of $90 via credit or debit card. A confirmation email showing the new member鈥檚 Phi Theta Kappa Membership ID Number should arrive within 24-48 hours and provide full access to member benefits. 

Why Fees Are Necessary  

No one wants financial concerns to stand in the way of interested students experiencing Phi Theta Kappa membership. Still, we must collect Membership Fees before membership can be granted. We receive no programming budget from our college and so must be self-supporting.

All fees collected are used exclusively for PTK programming support, member travel and student activity-related expenses. We make every effort to minimize out-of-pocket costs for students participating in Phi Theta Kappa events and programs.