
Membership FAQ

Membership FAQ

A. A student becomes a member when his/her membership application has been approved and membership fees have been paid. The Society鈥檚 induction requirement is met when the student signs the Membership Oath which appears on the membership application. A student must be recorded as a member at Headquarters in order to receive all the rights, privileges and benefits of membership.

A. Part-time students may be eligible if they have accumulated over several academic terms the number of hours the college considers to be full-time status (12 hours on a semester system).

A. A student need not be planning to receive an associate degree, as long as he or she has accumulated at least 12 hours of course work that could be applied toward an associate degree where the student is currently enrolled. Therefore, students taking basic course work at a community college, with plans to transfer to a four-year institution without completing associate degree requirements are eligible if they have accumulated their 12 hours and meet academic grade point average requirements.

A. A certificate student may be eligible for membership if the student has accumulated at least 12 hours of course work that could be applied toward an associate degree at the community college where the student is currently enrolled.

A. International students attending college outside their home countries who possess full rights of citizenship of their countries are eligible for membership.

A. Courses taken at another institution may be considered when determining membership eligibility. All courses considered must be applicable towards an associate degree at the students current institution.

A. A high school student enrolled at a community college who completes at least 12 credit hours of associate degree course work with the required cumulative GPA is eligible for membership.

A. A student with a degree who is enrolled at the community college is eligible for membership if that student completes at least 12 hours of associate degree course work with the required cumulative GPA at the community college he or she is attending presently.

A. Courses taken more than five years ago need not be considered when determining membership eligibility.

A. Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society is a separate program from the 澳门极速彩 Honors Program, but both programs are designed to enrich your community college experience at 澳门极速彩. Each works with honors-level students, and both programs share common office space and support staff in Montezuma Hall 122. Phi Theta Kappa concentrates on providing opportunities for self-development through leadership, community service, scholarly activities, and fellowship outside the classroom. Such experiences are often the best teacher of valuable life and academic skills and a pathway to future success.