
Join a Hallmark Program: Honors in Action (HIA) or College Project

Join a Hallmark Program: Honors in Action (HIA) or College Project

Interested in collaborating on community- and academic-related projects geared for leadership and personal growth opportunities???

Beta Alpha Xi has earned Regional and International recognition for the quality of their projects with:

Honors in Action (HIA) Project

Every year, Beta Alpha Xi members work together on an action project that focuses on community-related topics using a theme from the current study topic. Honors in Action projects incorporate academic research and analysis, leadership roles and leadership development, action (service or advocacy), collaboration and reflection. The current Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Guide is a primary resource that assists with the develop and implementation of our Honors in Action Project.  As a group, we write about all aspects of our project and submit it by January of the following year. 

College Project

The purpose of the College Project is to establish and/or strengthen a supportive relationship between the chapter and the college administration. The chapter should meet with the college president (or other appropriate administrator) to determine the College Project for the year, which can be anything that supports the college's mission.