
Chapter Meetings & Agendas

Chapter Meetings & Agendas

For the Fall 2024 semester, chapter meetings are held in person on Thursdays at 2:00 PM in room EST-S-145 (classroom near the Honors/PTK Office and the Academic Learning Success check-in desk).

Fall 2024 Meeting Dates:

  • 08/29/24
  • 09/12/24
  • 09/26/24
  • 10/10/24
  • 10/24/24
  • 11/07/24
  • 11/21/24
  • 12/05/24

Chapter Meetings are open to all student members of Beta Alpha Xi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), but they are NOT mandatory. Students who are not members may still attend as "provisional members." Provisional members may not travel or vote; however, they are welcome to participate in chapter activities on campus.