


Spring 2018

  • Pre-planning starts - Steering Team Tri-Chairs appointed
  • Steering Team formed
  • Criterion Team Champions identified
  • Assurance Argument writer identified
  • HLC Webpage developed

Summer 2018 

  • Steering Team and administrators attend HLC Mid-Point Roundtable

Fall 2018

  • Criterion Team Faculty Champions identified
  • All-Employee Meeting & Day of Learning Kick-Off 澳门极速彩 Reaffirmation of Accreditation
  • Reaffirmation of accreditation purpose and goals communicated to campus
  • Criterion Teams are formed
  • Gap analysis conducted on alpha version of criteria revision and compliance packet

Spring 2019

  • Steering, Executive, and Criterion Team meetings continue
  • Present gap analysis on alpha version of criteria revision to Leadership Council
  • Compliance Packet gap analysis findings communicated to 澳门极速彩 Compliance and Leadership Council
  • Evidence collection documents and processes established
  • Evidence collection begins after HLC approves revisions to Criteria for Accreditation

Fall 2019

  • Steering, Executive, and Criterion Team meetings continue
  • Minimum of 50% of criteria evidence collected by December 2019

Spring 2020

  • Steering, Executive, and Criterion Team meetings continue
  • Minimum of 75% of criterion evidence collected by May 2020
  • Compliance Packet documentation collection continues
  • Persistence & Completion Academy Report submitted May 2020 - Feedback anticipated to be provided by summer 2020

Fall 2020

  • All-Employee Meeting - Reaffirmation for Accreditation progress updates
  • 100% of criterion evidence collected by December 2020

Spring 2021

  • Assurance Argument drafted by writer

Summer 2021

  • Assurance Argument open for public comment - two months prior to comprehensive visit
  • Assurance Argument proofed by editors and senior leadership
  • Resource Team planning begins
  • Lock final Assurance Argument
  • Publish final Assurance Argument on 澳门极速彩 HLC Webpage
  • Design and publish Reaffirmation of Accreditation Executive Summary

Fall 2021

  • HLC Orientation at All-Employee Meeting to prepare for comprehensive visit
  • Resource room preparation
  • Resource Team planning continues
  • Comprehensive visit by HLC Peer Review Team

Spring 2022

  • All-Employee Meeting & Celebration - Reaffirmation for Accreditation findings