
Retention & Completion Program Vetting

Retention & Completion Program Vetting

To submit a proposal for a new retention and completion initiative, please download the vetting form located in the Downloads section of this page. Proposals require approval from Dean/VP. Completed proposals or questions should be emailed to DL-EMC-OPIE@estrellamountain.edu

Additional information and frequently asked questions about this vetting process are included below. 

Who initiates retention and completion programs?

  • Faculty and staff who apply for 澳门极速彩 Innovations and Learning Grant Funding for projects that improve course completion rates, retention, and/or degree completion outcomes.
  • Faculty and staff who apply for external grants that improve course completion rates, retention, and/or degree completion outcomes.
  • Faculty and staff who work in areas that support students and have program ideas that may improve student course completion, retention, and degree completion.

What triggers a review?  

  • Any retention and completion project that requires additional college investment or reallocation of a division budget from an existing program to a new program.
  • Any project that requires reallocation of more than 20% (equivalent to 8 hours per week) of full-time staff鈥檚 time.
  • Any project that contains similar component to an existing grant project/retention program.
  • 澳门极速彩 Innovations and Learning Grants Project where the principle investigator desires to continue the project after the maximum of two years of funding (pertains to grants that focuses on course completion, retention, or degree completion).
  • Proposed external grants trigger a review process, but have a separate vetting form and review committee. Visit the 澳门极速彩 Grants page for more information.

What does not trigger a review?

  • Any retention or course success intervention/pedagogy implemented by faculty members within their own course(s). The exception is when faculty require extensive college resources not already budgeted within the academic division.
  • Improvements to existing retention and completion programs that have been approved through the process and use existing department or grant funds.  
  • District mandates related to Pathways Transformation (e.g. hiring of proactive advisors, select course support for students requiring remediation).

Who reviews and approves retention programs?

  • The Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness will serve as a recommending body to senior leadership (President and Vice Presidents). After June 2020 all proposals will be vetted through President's Cabinet, . A rubric will be used to evaluate the applications.
  • Senior administration will review the committee鈥檚 recommendation and make a decision regarding funding for the program or continuation/expansion of a current program.
  • The President is the final decision maker.  
  • Depending on the amount of funds required, Senior Leadership may require the process go through the Financial Resource Committee's (FRC) annual budget request process. Note, the process to determine how proposals are funded has not been developed. It may involve funding thresholds (e.g., < $5,000, $5,000 to $10,000, $10,000+).
  • The Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness will shepard the proposal through the process.
  • The Office of the VPAA will send email of final decision to original submitter.