
Career Exploration

Career Exploration

Explore your career, learn the possibilities, confirm your path!

Sign up for a job shadow, internship, or career interview with a professional in your field of interest.

Career Interview (virtual by telephone or videoconference)

  • Interview a professional for 30-60 minutes
  • Get information and guidance from someone currently in the field
  • Receive a better understanding of a career to confirm you are on the right path or if you should explore other options
  • Start your professional network and reputation

Job Shadow

  • Shadow a professional at their workplace for up to 4 hours
  • Get information and guidance from someone currently in the field
  • Experience your chosen field by seeing it 鈥渋n action鈥
  • Confirm your career path or decide you need more exploration
  • Further develop your professional network and reputation


  • Gain professional skills and self-confidence
  • Test out a career field 
  • Build your resume and other job readiness skills
  • Gather insight into a particular industry or organizational culture
  • Establish connections and build a network of contacts
  • Get a jumpstart on your career!