
Current Students

Current Students

If you already registered with our office, please sign in to DRS Connect to start requesting your accommodations. Below you can find a step by step guide for some of the most common questions. 

If you have any questions or experience difficulties with this process, please contact our office for assistance. We aspire to establish equal access for all students and look forward to working with you.

Current Students

If your accommodations are already in place and you just want to request them for the upcoming semester, you can do so using DRS CONNECT.

  1. Click the DRS CONNECT button on the right hand side of the screen.
  2. Login in using your MEID and password (the same password you use for email and everything else).
  3. Scroll down and you will see your classes listed.
  4. Check off the classes you would like accommodations for.
  5. Click "Step 2- Continue to Customize Your Accommodations"
  6. From here choose which accommodations you'd like for each class. For example, will you need a notetaker for all of your classes or just for one? On this screen you can make those decisions and request exactly what you will need. 
  7. Once you've decided, submit your accommodations for approval.

A notification will be sent to the DRS Staff, they will approve your accommodations and send all the necessary information on to your Instructors.

If you need any Assistive Technology such as a Smartpen or recorder, please stop by the office to pick them up.

If you need a textbook in an e-text format, please stop by the office and bring a copy of the textbook or proof of purchase (such as a receipt).

You can check to see if you have accommodations by attempting to login in to DRS CONNECT.

  1. Click the DRS CONNECT button on the right hand side of the screen.
  2. Login using your MEID and password (the same password you use for email and everything else).
  3. If you are able to login successfully, then you have accommodations!
  4. If you are not able to login successfully, click New Student Application and begin the process to receive accommodations. 

If you'd like to see what accommodations you have available to you click "My Eligibility" on the right hand side.

If you'd like to see what accommodations you currently have in place click "List Accommodations" on the right hand side.

If your accommodations are already in place and you'd like to schedule an exam at the DRS Office, please do so using DRS CONNECT.

  1. Click the DRS CONNECT button the right hand side of the screen.
  2. Login using your MEID and password (the same password you use for email and everything else).
  3. Scroll down and on the left hand side click  "> Alternative Testing"
  4. Use the drop box to choose which class you are scheduling an exam for.
    1. If your class is not listed, that means your professor has not completed the testing contract. For now, you'll have to call or come in to schedule your exam. Let us know if this happened and we will resend the testing contract to your professor.
  5. Click the Schedule an Exam button
  6. Fill in the required information to schedule your exam, this includes the date and time you'd like to come in to take the exam
    1. *Reminder, please try to schedule all exams as close as possible to the time your class is taking the exam.
  7. Check off all the boxes in the terms and conditions section.
  8. Submit the request for approval.

Once you submit the exam request, DRS Staff will be notified and they will approve your appointment (unless there is an issue, in which case we will call you). Also, an automated email will be sent to your Instructor informing them that you have scheduled your exam in our office and they will know to send your exam to the DRS Office.