Self Service


Both virtual and in-person appointments are available.  You can schedule here: °ÄÃż«ËÙ²Ê Advisement

Log in with your Canvas information (MEID and password) and then choose a time and day that works for you.  Remember that if you schedule with the wrong Field of Interest (FOI), your appointment will be canceled.  All confirmations/cancellations will be sent to your student email

Self-Service Video: Advisement Appointment

Advising Notes

After every meeting with your advisor, they will upload notes to your student center.  These notes will include a summary of your conversation, an updated education plan so that you know which classes to take next and any other information you might need.  This may also include any "homework" with your next steps listed.

You can access these notes by logging into your student center and clicking on the Academic Progress tile, and then selecting "View Note" from the list of notes in the center of the screen.

Self-Service Video: Accessing Your Advising Notes

Degree Progress Report (DPR)

​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹You can use your degree progress report (DPR) to track your progress in your current program or pathway.  After running the DPR, you will be able to see how your classes apply to your program and what is remaining to complete. This system is not perfect and you should always verify with your advisor to ensure you are completing all necessary coursework for your degree.

Self-Service Video: Running Your Degree Progress Report


FERPA is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and is a federal law that protects the privacy of your education records. Beginning on December 9, 2022, you will need to provide your FERPA PIN when seeking service or information from your student account by a staff member. You may also still be required to present a government-issued ID for certain services.

You can also view, add, and remove authorized persons. These are any people (such as parents, guardians, spouses, employers, or others) who you want to have access to your educational records. Records include, but are not limited to, financial aid, scholarships, tuition, registration, and academic advising information. Without prior consent, we are not able to provide any information about your records to anyone. To add an authorized person, follow instructions below.

Self-Service Video: FERPA

Registering for Classes

Each semester, you will be expected to register for your own classes using your Student Center.  Your advisor will provide your classes to you in an education plan (you can find this in your Advising Notes after each session) and y

Self-Service Video: Adding Classes HD 1080p

Updating your Program

In order for your courses to be eligible for federal funding and some scholarships, they need to apply to your program plan.  You can check this by logging into your Student Center at  and selecting the "View Current Admissions" tile.


This flyer will walk you through how to check your program plan and update if it's incorrect:

Self-Service Video: Update Program Plan
