
Plaza Gallery

Plaza Gallery

The Plaza Gallery is a unique, round room capable of hosting community and campus events. The room is surrounded with windows to allow for some natural lighting in the space. Features of this space include:

  • External entrance for after hours.
  • Close proximity to the parking lot.
  • Use of 1 whiteboard, podium, computer, projector/screen, 1 microphone, and webcam for virtual meeting options.
  • Restroom facilities located in a connecting hallway.
Room Set-Up Entire Space
Theater (Rows of chairs only) Up to 47 seats
Banquet (4'x4' squares with 4 chairs per table) Up to 47 seats
Classroom (Rows of tables with 2 chairs per table) Up to 47 seats

Plaza Gallery Rental Fees

Please note that events that occur after 5:00pm or on Saturdays, have a 25% increase for the rental space.

Fee Type For-Profit Rate Community Entity (Non-Profit) Rate Additional Information
Facility Rental $66 per hour $34 per hour Requires a 4-hour minimum rental.
Event Coordination Fee $35 $35 Included on all Facility Use Agreements.
Media Personnel $35 $35 Media Personnel will set up and test media equipment prior to the event.
Technology Fee Personnel $75 per hour $75 per hour AV Personnel will be on-site for live streaming needs.
Technology Fee WiFi $77 $77 WiFi access for participants.
Set-Up Fee $68 each $68 each Charged if the current room setup is adjusted.
Clean-Up Fee $68 each $68 each Charged when the event requires additional clean up and/or food service is included in the event.

*A "community entity" is a corporation or other legal entity whose business is non-commercial; is unrelated to the Maricopa County Community College District; and is recreational, educational, political, economic, artistic, moral, scientific, social, religious or for some other civic purpose in the interest of the community.

Find out availability and book your rental today!