


Student participants in the Student Research Conference will engage in rigorous undergraduate research and present their work in a formal conference environment.

Proposal Rubrics

Review the rubrics by which your proposals will be evaluated for admission to the conference.

The proposal is an overview of your anticipated research project.  It will help the conference organizers understand what you plan to present. Your proposal should contain:

1. An informative title for your proposed presentation.

2. An overview of what type of results you anticipate finding.  You might include your hypothesis and/or research question (what you intend to try to prove or discover).

3. A description of how you will be researching your topic, your methodology. For example, you might be planning to Read, Interview, Observe, Experiment, etc...

4. Include at least 5 academic sources, correctly cited in MLA or APA style.  

5. Explain why you selected your research topic.  Consider issues such as:

  • How did you become interested in the topic?
  • Why is the topic significant?
  • Why is it important to learn more about this topic?
  • Why is it important to conduct research in this area?

6. Review your proposal with your faculty mentor before you submit your proposal.

Presentation Rubrics

These are used by the judges during the conference.

  • Oral Presentation Rubric
  • Poster Board Presentation Rubric