
Participation Points

Participation Points

Funding for Travel & Events Policy

Club advisor and president must meet with the Director of Student Life 6-8 weeks before trip for out of state travel. For in state travel club advisor and president must meet with the Director of Student life 2-4 weeks before trip. During this meeting advisor and club representatives must provide trip proposal.


Clubs & Organizations requesting funding for trips must:

  • Submit proposal to the Director of Student Life
  • Must have a minimum of 40 participation points to be eligible to receive up to $500.
  • Must have a minimum of 60 participation points to be eligible to receive up to $1000.
  • Must have a minimum of 80 participation points to be eligible to receive up to $1500.
  • Must have a minimum of 100 participation points to be eligible to receive up to $2000.

All clubs & organizations are responsible for generating funding for travel. There is no guarantee that money will be provided by the Student Life & Leadership Office for travel. The Student Life & Leadership Office makes the decision on the amount of money granted to clubs & organizations for travel. If your club or organization receives funding from the Student Life & Leadership Office for travel, your club/organization is responsible for providing the remaining amount. If you do not raise enough money for your trip and have to cancel, you will not receive the money from Student Life & Leadership. All money approved for your trip from Student Life & Leadership will remain in the Student Life & Leadership account.

Club trips must be for educational purposes

Club trips must be for college-related activities such as conferences, college tours, and leadership training. Clubs must submit the following forms to the Student Life & Leadership Office before leaving for trip: Trip Itinerary, Emergency Information, Student Information, Conduct Form, and Assumption of Risk Form

Only students currently enrolled at 澳门极速彩 can attend trips. Students attending trip must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Only student members of the actual group travelling can attend. The Chaperone must be a current 澳门极速彩 faculty/staff member.

Upon returning from the trip, clubs/organizations must do a presentation covering the trip experience to the 澳门极速彩 campus. Each club/organization will have to complete this presentation within two weeks of their return.