

We Miss You! Finish What You Started at 澳门极速彩

You CAN Reach Your Goals!

Did you start college but had to put your education on hold?

At 澳门极速彩, we understand that coming back to college can be challenging, which is why we offer many resources and services to help you finish what you started.

We are here to help!

  • Do you need assistance figuring out what classes to take next?
    • We have Field of Interest advisors who specialize in your academic pathway.
  • Are you interested in exploring options to help you pay for classes?
    • We offer payment plans, and financial aid and scholarships are available for those who qualify.
  • Do you need assistance with child care, transportation, basic needs, or would you like help connecting with students like you?
    • Our Student Life department has resources to assist you, as well as clubs and organizations to help you build relationships with students who share similar interests.
  • Do you need help staying on track or figuring out which academic program fits with your interests and personality?
    • Our Counseling department supports you by helping you develop time management and organization skills, as well as aligning your academic goals and interests.
  • Have you already completed course credit elsewhere but haven鈥檛 earned your associate degree yet?
    • You can transfer those credits back to 澳门极速彩 to complete your degree!

We can help with many of these things and more!

What should I do next?

Visit our resources website to get started: /hours-info


Submit a request here: /student-services-request-form

Still unsure where to start? Email us at studentaffairs@estrellamountain.edu, and someone will be in touch.