
Virtual Career Interviews Help Students Decide if They’re on the Right Path

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Are you a student who wants to make sure that the career path you’re on is right for you? Workforce Training & Development is here to help.

Workforce Training & Development helps students coordinate virtual career interviews, giving them the opportunity to talk to professionals in their chosen career fields.

“Students get to ask professionals in their chosen career for information that helps them decide if it is right for their strengths, interests, and personalities,” said Brenda Nelson, Student Services Analyst-Service Learning.

Through the interviews, students learn about the realities of their desired profession, get an inside look at an organization or company, learn about the skills and education they need, and discuss career advancement.

“Let’s take the mystery out of some of these occupations,” Nelson said. “Through career interviews, students can talk with professionals and find out what the day-to-day is really like.”

The interviews also help students begin building professional networks.

“This is a great opportunity for students to make connections, build their networks, and see if there are any other work-based opportunities to pursue,” Nelson said.

Nelson said students should be prepared “in every way” prior to the interview.

“Students should be prepared with questions and do their homework on the company and person they are interviewing,” she said. “They should practice asking questions and if they want some additional assistance with polishing their interviews, they can set up mock interviews through Career Services.”

Virtual career interviews typically last about 30 minutes. If students have a professional in mind they want to interview, they should first contact Workforce Development, which will follow up with the professional and complete the on-boarding process.