
Academic Early Alert

Academic Early Alert


The MCCCD Symplicity student conduct software supports Estrella Mountain鈥檚 long-standing academic early alert program. 澳门极速彩 continues to provide faculty an opportunity to recognize students needing additional support. A cross functional support effort is employed including both academic and student services. Appropriately identified campus Deans will also access the system and serve as additional communicating agents.

[*If the behavior displayed by a student disrupts the learning environment, please access the Symplicity student disruption/code-of-conduct referral system.

The Symplicity student disruption/code-of-conduct referral system is designed to better assist college personnel in identifying and addressing the needs of students exhibiting disruptive behavior in the classroom or in a service area. Code-of-conduct referrals include categories related to: academic misconduct, cheating, plagiarism, acts of dishonesty, obstruction (i.e., teaching, research, administration), abuse/threatening behavior, disorderly conduct, irresponsible social conduct, and violation of college rules among others.]

Faculty Referrals 

Instructors who observe a pattern of student behavior that may endanger a student's success are encouraged to provide an early alert notice - preferably in the first few weeks of the semester. Instructors can recommend a student for intervention anytime throughout the semester. However, the more timely the referral, and more complete the information provided, the greater the opportunity to help a student avoid a potentially unsuccessful outcome. 


Referral Categories 

  • Academic Concern
    • Student is not completing homework/assignments.
    • Student is not performing at course level.
    • Student is in need of instructional support outside of the classroom.
    • Student has difficulty communicating ideas.
    • Student exhibits changes in appearance/behavior that warrant concern.
    • Faculty or staff have observed verbal or written statements that warrant concern.
    • Faculty or staff has knowledge of personal concern.
    • Student exhibits attendance issues.
    • Other 
  • Medical Concern
  • Mental Health Issue
  • Physical Endangerment
  • Drug and Alcohol Related Concern

Faculty Initial Contact 

Instructors are required to make an initial contact with a student prior to filing an early alert.

  • Personally addressed student before, during or after class about this issue
  • Personally recommended student schedule appointment during instructor's scheduled office hours
  • Personally recommended student seek college academic advisement services
  • Personally recommended student seek tutoring with campus learning support services
  • Personally recommended student seek college counseling services
  • Previous academic alert has already been filed
  • Other (please describe in box below) Referring instructors are asked to identify steps taken to contact student

Referring instructors are provided the option for a copy of the report and may also request additional information regarding actions or intervention.

Program Actions

All referred students will be notified (i.e., email, telephone, etc.) at time of referral and provided the appropriate support service contact instructions. Referrals are accessible to the appropriate campus support service professional (i.e., tutors, counselors, advisors, etc.) who can provide timely student interaction leading to support.

Once contacted, students receive the appropriate actions deemed necessary to help improve the likelihood of academic and personal success. All follow-up actions are recorded and notification continues until process is completed. 

Overall success rates (based on student contact, behavior change, and semester GPA) vary depending on individual academic course and individual events.

The College鈥檚 efforts in making personal student contacts support national (best practice) efforts for improving student engagement through interactive institutional methods.